Quality and environment

The quality
Les contrôles effectués tout au long du process de fabrication, nous permettent d’assurer chez nos clients des livraisons de produits dans les meilleurs standards de qualité. De même, la traçabilité de nos produits est assurée à toute les phases de fabrication, jusqu’à la réception.
As a responsible producer, Polyex has been committed since the beginning to minimize its environmental "footprint". The ISO 14001 certification has crowned the efforts of this policy.
Cela passe bien sûr par le recyclage à 100% de nos propres déchets de production, mais aussi par une démarche de sensibilisation et de formation au sein de toute l’entreprise (optimisation énergétique, éco-conception, intégration de matière recyclée dans certaines productions, amélioration des process, etc…)
It is useful to remember that our raw material, polyethylene, is 100% recyclable, made up of carbon and hydrogen, chemically inert, which ensures it is completely harmless. Polyethylene does not release any harmful substance for the environment.
Label More Polyex 2022
Notre entreprise obtient le label MORE
Our company was awarded in 2019 the first European label that values the action of plastics manufacturers for the circular economy and the integration of recycled plastics in production.
The MORE 2021 label recognizes our commitment to reducing the environmental footprint of our products by promoting the use of recycled raw materials.
This is the third year for this label: it is a real recognition of our commitment as a manufacturer and shows our progress in promoting more sustainable consumption, with products that incorporate more and more recycled plastics.